Dress Conservatively Pakistan is a conservative country, so wearing loose-fitting clothes that cover your arms and legs will help you blend in and feel more comfortable in public spaces.
Use Trusted Transportation When traveling alone, it’s best to use reputable taxi services like Careem or Uber, or pre-arranged private drivers recommended by hotels or guesthouses.
Stay in Central, Well-Reviewed Accommodations Choose hotels or guesthouses with good reviews and security. Staying in central areas where there are more tourists and activities also helps you feel safer.
Connect with Local Women Pakistani women are very hospitable. If you’re unsure or feel uncomfortable, connecting with local women in markets, public areas, or through online travel communities can provide you with support and great tips.
Trust Your Instincts If a situation or place doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to leave. Pakistanis are generally very friendly and helpful, but as with any destination, trust your gut when it comes to your personal safety.